
When a vendor wishes to transfer money from their device to another device, it is important that we first conduct security checks to ensure that it is the owner of the account requesting the transfer of funds. These security checks are to be done for any device transfer request, even when both accounts have the same owner.

Security Checks:


*The request has to be sent through FreshDesk or FreshChat (To ensure we have the request in writing. If the vendor has called in then ask them to send us an email or Whatsapp message with their request) 

1)  Ask the vendor to confirm the following security for the account the money is being transferred from

     - Name and Surname used on the account

     - Identity / Asylum or Passport number used on the account 

     - Cell number used on the account 

     - Full address used on the account 

     - IMEI number used on the account

2)  Request the vendor to provide a reason for the funds transfer request (Should the reason provided make you doubt the  validity of the request, then please get a second opinion from your superior) 

3)  Request a copy of the deposit slip for the last deposit made to the account that they want to transfer funds from. (If the vendor is not in possession of such a slip, then they need to confirm the Date, Amount and Time of the last deposit made to this account) 

4)  Ask the vendor to confirm the current balance on the account that we want to transfer the funds from

5) Call the account holder using the cell number that we have on CR to confirm if they have requested a funds transfer. 

Once all of the information above has been received, compare the information to what we have on CR. If anything does not correspond, then the vendor has failed the security check and we are not able to proceed with the request.

Process to transfer funds:

1) Leave a note on both affected CR accounts containing:

  - The ticket number 

  - The account being transferred from 

  - The account being transferred to

  - The amount being transferred 

2) Open the Accounting Tab and Select Funds Transfer

3) Filter using the Account Reference number of the account that you want to transfer from 

4) Scroll down to the Account-Account Transfer option at the bottom of the screen and follow the steps below:

    1) Check that the account being transferred from is correct 

    2) Enter the amount to be transferred from this account 

    3) Enter the Ticket number linked to the funds transfer request 

    4) Enter the account number of the account that you are transferring to

    5) Click on "Transfer to Device"

5) Should you get an error that says "Accounts do not belong to the same SD" then kindly escalate to your senior for processing 

*Have we missed anything in this article? 

Email jason.ariefdien@kazang.com should you need any more information to be added onto this article.