
MASCOM Pinless airtime gets sent directly to the cell number in question. We do however sometimes get requests to refund these top ups and it is important that we follow the correct process to get this done. 

Process to follow for support staff: 

1) Log a ticket on FreshDesk

    - Subject line: Pinless Refund + Mobile Number + Mascom REF

    - Paste a copy of the receipt on the ticket as a note 

    - Attach a certified copy of the vendors ID to the ticket 

    - Attach Affidavit stating that funds need to be deducted from Mobile number and credited to Pinless Wallet                  74000148

    - Assign ticket to the group CT Ops Admin - Do not assign the ticket to anyone 

Process to follow for CT Ops Admin: 

1) Prepare Refund Request Letter (Template of this letter is attached at the bottom of this page) and send to                Finance (Natalie / Elricha) for signature

2) Attach all supporting documents to the email (Copy of the receipt, Affidavit and certified copy of the ID) 

3) Send an email to MASCOM using one the email addresses below:

     - Otlaathiba.Kelefhile@mascom.bw 

     - One.Tebogo-Mollentze@MASCOM.BW

     - Refilwe.Sebele@mascom.bw

4) Refund the vendor on CR and attach proof of this to the ticket

5) Once proof of the refund is received from MASCOM, then add proof on the ticket and close the ticket. 

*Have we missed anything in this article? 

Email jason.ariefdien@kazang.com should you need any more information to be added onto this article.