Kazang devices are not immune to unfortunate events and in most cases do fall victim to theft from our vendors premises. Our Support Team will be required to assist our vendors through this process of deactivating the stolen devices to get them trading again as soon as possible, and in the same instance understand the sensitive nature of these cases when they are received into our contact center.

In this article we will outline the required process steps to follow for both Purchased and Placed devices to ensure operational compliance when dealing with these requests.


Process to follow for purchased devices: 

The vendor from Botswana will contact our Support Desk to report that their Kazang device has been stolen. Our Botswana vendors will contact our Support Desk through one of the two methods:

1) Telephone Call


2) Email

As a Support Agent once the request to log the purchased device as stolen from our vendors has been received, you must do the following to ensure that the device has been successfully deactivated to avoid any negative detriment to our Botswana vendors.

Step 1 - Log a new ticket on FreshDesk with the following subject "Stolen Device + Vendor Ref" 

            (The vendors reference number must be entered in the subject line of the ticket)

Step 2 - Update the account Content Ready with a note stating the device has been stolen. 

              You must include the FreshDesk ticket number in the note that is being left on the account.

               E.g. FD#12345 Stolen Device

Step 3 - Update the Group Name to "DSGable Stolen" and also update the status to Inactive.

Step 4 - Advise the vendor that the device is now inactive and close the ticket on FreshDesk

Process to follow for placed devices:

The vendor from Botswana will contact our Support Desk to report that their Kazang device has been stolen. Our Botswana vendors will contact our Support Desk through one of the two methods:

1) Telephone Call


2) Email

Similar to the above process for purchased devices, as a Support Agent once the request to log the placed device as stolen from our vendors has been received, you must do the following to ensure that the device has been successfully deactivated to avoid any negative detriment to our Botswana vendors.

Step 1 - Log a new ticket on FreshDesk with the following subject "Stolen Device + Vendor Ref" 

            (The vendors reference number must be entered in the subject line of the ticket)

Step 2 - Update the account Content Ready with a note stating the device has been stolen. 

              You must include the FreshDesk ticket number in the note that is being left on the account.

               E.g. FD#12345 Stolen Device

Step 3 - Update the Group Name of the stolen device to "DSGable Stolen" and also update the status to Inactive.

Step 4 - Advise the vendor that the device is now inactive and close the ticket on FreshDesk

Step 5 - Move the ticket to the Botswana Finance Stock queue on FreshDesk and set as unassigned.              All stock adjustments will be picked up and completed by the Admin Manager.