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This is a feature on the device which allows a vendor to process Cash Ins and Cash Outs on the Kazang platform using the Kazang Device. This additional feature allows customers to make deposits and withdrawals with ease at one location.



How to utilize the function:


Access Bank Cash In/Deposit 

With and

 without reference



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Log into your Kazang device and select the Access Bank option.




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Select the Cash In (without reference)  or Cash In With Reference option.

Example of Cash In with reference

Selected photo

Enter the Account Number, the Ref nr, the Source of Cash and the Payment Purpose. (With reference number screen)


Example of Cash In without reference

 Enter the rest of the information (With reference number screen)


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Check the details and Confirm.  


Selected photo

Check the details and Confirm 




Cash In receipt without reference number


Text, letter

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Cash In receipt with reference number


Access Bank Cash Out / Withdrawal process





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Log into your Kazang device and select the Access Bank option





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Select Cash Out



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Enter the Voucher Number received from the Access Bank Banking app,  telephone number and the amount





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Enter the PIN received on the Mobile Number


Text, letter

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                                                            A receipt is printed and the cash is handed over


Illustration guide on the processes

 (Cash In and Cash Out)



Cash In


Customer approaches a Kazang Vendor with R100 to cash into their wallet/account


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Kazang vendor enters the relevant transaction information (Customer Identifying information, Account number, phone number, BPW amount etc) into his Kazang POS



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Kazang CR will call onto Bank ABC Back-end to confirm customer account number, the KYC information and to validate the Cash-in transaction



Kazang Vendor is asked to confirm transaction details with Customer



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P100 will be deducted from Vendors Kazang Wallet and credited to the Kazang Holding Account



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P100 will be deducted from Kazang’s prefunded Bank ABC wallet



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The customer’s Bank Account will be credited with the P100


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The customer hands over the P100 cash to the Kazang Vendor


Cash Out


Step 1


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Kazang vendor enters the relevant transaction information (Wallet Phone Number, ZAR amount) into his Kazang POS


A picture containing toy

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The Kazang Vendor will ensure he has sufficient physical cash in his store


Kazang CR will call onto ABC Back-end to lookup customer KYC information linked to the  wallet phone number. 



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Kazang vendor is asked to confirm the transaction details.



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Kazang terminal prints a receipt with a unique transaction reference number.


Banc ABC initiates a push USSD message to the  subscriber asking them to approve the transaction.



Cash Out

Step 2


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Once the  Customer approves the transaction, they resume the process with Step 2 of Cash-out. 

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This requires the Kazang vendor to enter in the  Wallet Phone Number, the cash-out amount and the transaction reference generated from Step 1.

Kazang CR checks that the transaction has been approved by the  customer by calling on the Banc ABC  Backend


If approved, the Kazang terminal indicates success, prints out a receipt and the customer is given their physical cash from the vendor



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*Have we missed anything in this article? 

Email should you need any more information to be added onto this article.