In Country Support Process (Botswana)

  • Client logs a request for the account to be reactivated
  • In country- Support Agent checks the account on CR, renames the subject: Bad debt Recovery + Ref + Amount
  • In-country Support Agent checks if the account owes any bad debt, if so the IC Support Agent responds to the client advising for payment to be made and sets ticket as pending
  • Client provides proof of payment, IC Support Agent checks that the payment is loaded to the vendors wallet and there is enough funds for Bad Debt Deduction to be done
  • In-Country Support Agent moves ticket to Freshdesk group Ops Admin to Action and sets status as open and agent as unassigned

Ops Admin Process

  • International Admin Manager checks if the account owes any bad debt, if so the Admin responds to the client advising for payment to be made
  • Client provides proof of payment, Admin checks that the payment is loaded to the vendors wallet and there is enough funds for Bad Debt Deduction to be done
  • International Admin Manager processes Bad Debt Deduction and notifies Admin to reactivate the vendors wallet, moves the ticket to Kazang Botswana and sets status as open and unassigned
  • I-C Support reactivates the account and responds to the vendor with confirmation
  • I-C Support Agen closes the ticket

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